Wednesday, March 7, 2012

assorted Types of Short Stories

As there are varieties of subjects, themes and art, there are various types of a short story. Some of the types are ancient tales, humor, satire, fantasy, biography, education, local color, and history. Lets us have a descry on each one of them in this article.

1. Aged Tales

Horo House

It is the power of the utilization of the Aged form of the tale in the contemporary short story. Italian writer Giovanni Verga's The She-Wolf (1880), and Chinese writer Yeh Shao-Chun's Mrs. Li's Hair are qualified examples.

assorted Types of Short Stories

2. Fantasy

Fantasy stories are nothing but the fair composition of the old tales tradition and the supernatural details. The fine examples of such stories are British writer John Collier's nightmare fantasy Bottle Party (1939), Irish author Elizabeth Bowen's The Demon Lover (1941), and British author Saki's Tobermory (1911).

3. Humor

These types of stories are meant for producing surprise and delight. You will see that the most illustrious humorous tales and fables were written by the Americans. Mark Twain's The illustrious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865), and Joel Chandler Harris's The astounding Tar-Baby Story (1894) are remarkable. There is serious humor in the works of Americans like Eudora Welty's Petrified Man (1939) and Dorothy Parker's The Custard Heart (1939).

4. Satire

The main purpose of satire is to charge the evils of society. There are writers who wrote stories of sober satire. Austrian author Arthur Schnitzler's Fate of the Baron (1923), and American Mary McCarthy's The Man in the Brooks Brothers Shirt (1941) are known for their somber satire.

5. Schooling Story

Such stories revolve around the Schooling of the main character. The good example is American educator Lionel Trilling's Of This Time, of That Place (1944).

6. History

History types deal with a life story or historical event. Welty's A Still moment (a 1943 story about naturalist John James Audubon) is fine example of story dealing with history event.

7. Local Color

These types of stories deal with the customs and traditions of rural and small-town life. You can enjoy the local color in the stories of George Washington Cable, Maria Edgeworth, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Mary Wilkins Freeman.

These are some of the types you may find in sort story genre. In modern times, stories have more local color, diversities in the representations, development use of dialects, and vernacular impressions. The story writes have been taking somewhat flexibility in writing stories as they wish.

assorted Types of Short Stories

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