Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to come to be a pro Home manufacturer - Part I

Over the years I've had many of our manufacturer students ask pertinent questions such as what size home do I build; what do I put in it; where do I build it? finding back it's easy for me to make these decisions now, but when I first started building in 1975 these were trial and error situations. And my hindsight is crystal clear. It's very easy for me to look back and see things I wished I had known when I first started building. That's what you're going to learn in this article.

You'll learn the pros and cons of being a speculative or spec manufacturer (as opposed to a contract builder.) If you're not well-known with those terms, a spec manufacturer is one who will settle on a site, select a design, build a home and then sell it to a client. A contract manufacturer is a manufacturer that you hire to build a home for you. By the way, spec building is how I suggest you begin rather than building a home for somebody else. I'll construe why later.

Horo House

I'll begin by showing you how to be one of the best spec builders in your area, even if you've never before built a home. I'll advance this information by discussing points that are unique to spec building. Next I'll discuss points that are unique to contract building, and points that pertain to both spec and contract building.

How to come to be a pro Home manufacturer - Part I

A Word Of Caution

I want to stress that when starting your building business, you must isolate your firm from your personal life. In the early 70's I was in real estate industrial sales. I barely survived a major recession. Roughly all things I owned was in my name and most of it was repossessed. Had I known then what I know now, I'd have retained that large home, that Mercedes and that airplane.

In the building manufactures there are many things that can happen to you, some of which you have beyond doubt no operate over. According to the 2008 every year report by the National center for State Courts, in 2007 Americans filed over 90 million lawsuits, more than a third of which were civil cases. This does not consist of the volumes of legal disputes that were placed before a lawsuit was ever filed. Based on the sheer estimate of legal disputes that arise, in and out of court, one could say that most Americans run the risk of being complicated in a legal dispute at some point in their lives - for many people, more than once. This is especially true for those who work in professions with high lawsuit vulnerability such as doctors, dentists and, yes, especially builders! You should invest in hiring professionals to help you protect your assets. It's easier than you may realize. This is one time you can't procrastinate. I can tell you some great bad dream stories but I don't want to scare you this early in the game. Anyway, don't live in fear of what might happen. You only lose if you don't play.

I. Speculative Building

A. How To Be One Of The Best Spec Builders In Your Area

Before you buy a lot, before you buy any house plans, the first thing I want you to do is put together your success team. I call this the Henry Ford philosophy. If you read about Henry Ford, you'd learn that some habitancy thought about him to be illiterate. He once sued a Chicago newspaper that wrote an report claiming he was illiterate. In the lawsuit, Henry Ford emphasized that he didn't need to know all things about all things because he hired experts to support him in all that he wanted to do. This left his mind free and clear to do all the things that he beyond doubt knew how to do. Well, I've learned from that religious doctrine myself over the years. I perceive there is not enough time in this life to do everything. I now hire experts to support me in my decision-making, and it has been a distinct factor in my success building homes.

Your success team should consist of the following:

1. Real Estate Agent

2. Landscape Architect

3. Artist/Architect

4. Kitchen/Bath Designer

5. Interior Designer

6. Lighting Designer

I'll discuss each of these team members in information as we go straight through the course. Don't be concerned. When you start out, you don't need the best. These team members are more affordable than you could perhaps imagine.

B. Obtaining Your First Loan

Let me tell you a story. And the further you get away from this story, the harder it's going to be to borrow money to get started.

Let's assume that you're gainfully employed. If you're not employed, but instead are self-employed, then you have to have a high credit score or produce tax returns for the past three years to qualify for the loan. If you currently rent a home or apartment and you want to build a home for yourself, you're a prime candidate to borrow money to build a home - for yourself. So, you get the money. You build a home. You put it on the shop during construction. You sell it. You go to the bank. You borrow money under the same premise. You get the money. You build a home. Put it up for sale. Sell it. Do it over and over again and pretty soon you walk into the bank and the banker looks at you and says, gosh, you should come to be a home builder. And you are.

Now, that's the easiest way to get started. Most every manufacturer I know got started in the manufactures this way. This formula will also furnish you with the least risk. Why? Because if you don't sell the home you'll naturally move into it. In turn, this will make it easier for you to sell because a home that is furnished will ordinarily sell faster than an unfurnished home. You'll eventually sell it and can start the process again. The bad news is that you may be fascinating a lot. I remember one consolidate that wanted to own a home free and clear. They used this formula on five homes, plowing their behalf back into each home. Their sixth home was constructed fully from cash. They owned it free and clear and got out of the building business. They naturally wanted to do what it took to own their home free and clear.

The further you get away from the above scenario, the harder it is to get the introductory loan when you're just getting started.

For example, let's say that you currently own a home and you want to borrow money to build another home for yourself. A banker will generally be negative. They tend to look at the downside and might criticism something like this. "That sounds real good but you currently own a home. What are you going to do with your current home?" Your response is, "I'll put it up for sale during the building of this new home and then I'll sell it." The banker comments, "That sounds pretty good, but what if you don't sell your current home?" The banker generally looks at the downside - that is you're going to be stuck with two house payments. If you're able to show you can afford two house payments, you may very well get the money.

You all the time have to have a thriving windup to your story you tell the banker. Never look at the banker and say, "Well gosh; I'm only borrowing 70% of the appraised value. If the bank had to repossess the home the bank would have a bargain. The bank could sell the home, and make a good return on its investment." Never use this kind of logic on a banker. Bankers don't want to be in the homeowner business. Never imply or even think in your mind this will happen.

If you're not gainfully employed or you have a problem with your credit or you have no cash, your next best formula is to find an investor that will joint investment a scheme with you. I've done this on many large projects when I didn't have the finances to afford it myself. What I ordinarily did was to buildings the investment so that the joint investment partner would put up very itsybitsy or no money. Investors beyond doubt like that! What I needed was their strong financial statement. Understand, there are many investors, such as medical doctors, who have sizable financial statements but they have very itsybitsy cash. So if you can buildings the investment so that it requires very itsybitsy or no cash, it becomes a relatively easy investment to sell. When I've worked with a joint investment partner, after selling the investment, the investor would be repaid any cash he had invested, plus a fair interest rate that was agreed upon up front. All remaining profits would be split 50% to me and 50% to the investor. ordinarily in a situation like this, the investor would let me deduct any out-of-pocket expenses but, understandably, they would not let me take any salary.

You would not believe some of the wild, crazy, ridiculous investments requiring large amounts of cash I've seen these habitancy put money into. Many of them have the same luck in the stock shop that I have. These habitancy should feel blessed that you came into their lives with a viable real estate investment. I've found these habitancy by talking to friends, going to investment seminars and running ads in the paper.

How to come to be a pro Home manufacturer - Part I

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Plastic surgical operation Gone Bad - The Facelift From Hell

Having plastic surgical operation in the form of a facelift is pretty common, and the surgeons have gotten quite good at it. However, there are horror stories about face lifts that have gone bad.

The most tasteless bad face lift is when the skin is stretched too tight. If you live near a relinquishment community, you may notice a lot of the older women walking colse to with "that alert look" or a "look of constant amazement" on their face. Sometimes it seems that the surgeon pulled the skin so tight, that they cannot close their eyes. Many times the skin will stretch out with time and face returns to general looking, but sometimes, it never does.

Horo House

The next most tasteless bad facelift is when the face ends up with scars. Most plastic surgeons are very good at small sutures, that leave dinky if any scaring, but occasionally, the scars never go away. There are a lot of distinct reasons for this, infection, reaction to the stitches, skin type, the list goes on. Sometimes, the surgeon just blows it, and the outpatient ends up scarred. Sometimes a second execution will be significant to keep the outpatient from seeing like something from a horror movie.

Plastic surgical operation Gone Bad - The Facelift From Hell

The best way to prevent these bad face lift surgical operation experiences from happening to you is be sure that your surgeon is well qualified. He may be more expensive that the guy operating out of his garage, but he is less likely to leave you scarred for life.

If you have a lot of sagging skin or numerous wrinkles, you may want to minimize the estimate of stretching that your surgeon does. You may end up with some of your wrinkles left behind, but it is a good seeing alternative than having "that alert look" and not being able to sleep at night because your eyes will not close anymore.

Having a facelift is a great way to look younger. You go to sleep and you wake up ten years younger, what is not to like about that?

Plastic surgical operation Gone Bad - The Facelift From Hell

Monday, February 27, 2012

Turner superior Movies agenda - Watch superior Movies

Turner first-rate Movies program is planned with much concept in mind. That's certain from the movies run on many cable Tv stations. During the new Halloween scheduling, as an example, some of the finest bad dream movies set the mood with movies that moved from time-honored films that starred Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi and Lon Cheney to more new first-rate productions. It was a horror-film fan's fantasy and much appreciated by this genre audience. The time spread also accommodated the movie-viewing audience as well. Old movies blended with "neo-classics" so that all bad dream film tastes were covered to everyone's delight and enjoyment.

Turner first-rate Movies program also provides a perceive into background of movie stars, some with co-star's interviews and comments. This provides a more perfect look at how a particular movie was filmed and other incidental events. The program seems to be a collage of themes at times. Yet, the themes are inter-related and woven seamlessly into a tight program presentation.

Horo House

There is also ready at a very cheap cost, a printed program of upcoming programming for audience convenience and review. It's a handy guide that offers an advance look at the types of films to be aired. It's on subscription basis, similar to any television guide to programming might offer. It's a must for those who rely upon Turner first-rate Movies program for their viewing preferences. It's annoying to have a beloved movie air and find you've missed it. There's nothing like settling back into an easy chair and watching a movie favorites or enjoying the discovery of a movie you've never seen before.

Turner superior Movies agenda - Watch superior Movies

The program hosts also add an appealing widespread presentation of the movie to be aired. Yet, unlike some venues, the hosts are not obstructive and don't interfere with the delight of expectancy of a great film to be viewed. There's very wee industrial interruption and the program schedules are not time constricted. So, movies can be viewed at any time with perfect satisfaction.

The capability of Turner first-rate Movies program is top notch, reliable and very diverse. Once you subscribe to the movies guide, programming is at your finger tips. Most old movie buffs will find a treasure trove from which to take for viewing. first-rate movies are a great way to "zone out" or "rezone" into a time frame loved and remembered. Other great point is that those with a historical base truly do put a more enlightened perspective on the present.

Once you sense the first-rate movie schedule, it will entice you to look transmit to programming to be aired that fits your own personal preferences. With the first-rate movie guide in one hand and the remote operate in the other, all you need do is push the button for a astounding first-rate movie scheduling experience.

Turner superior Movies agenda - Watch superior Movies

Friday, February 24, 2012

Using the Five Senses to heighten Your Writing


This is the one sense that provides most of the detail for our stories. Our words become our readers' eyes, giving us a blank canvas upon which to paint a picture to tell our story. From the sight of a coarse fear, such as a spider creeping silently along the floor to the notice of a shadow on the stairway... Sight is our greatest source of horror inspiration and description. When describing the sight of something dreadful there's a huge reserved supply at the writer's disposal, because we can use our other senses to add glorious, gory detail to our descriptions. Here's an example of how all five of our senses can be used to describe a easy scene:

Horo House

The apple was moving green, its skin polished and shining as it nestled in the fruit bowl (sight). The scent was fresh, as though the fruit had just been plucked from the tree (smell). She took it from the bowl, her fingers conclusion around the firm level skin (touch) as she lifted it to her lips. The apple crunched loudly (sound) as her teeth cut straight through the skin into the tart, juicy flesh (taste). As the fresh juice ran down her throat she noticed a small black speck moving slowly in the creamy flesh. Closer inspection revealed that she hadn't just taken a bite from the apple - she'd bitten straight through a fat, juicy worm.

Using the Five Senses to heighten Your Writing


Remember when you were a small child, and your parents put you to bed? possibly there was no nightlight, and the Tv room was at the other end of the house...

You're lying in your bed. All alone. Desperately waiting for your eyes to accustom to the dark you hear it - a soft, scratching noise - and it seems to be advent from under the bed. It lasts only a moment before it stops. You wonder if you were hearing things, and you're so desperate for the darkness to lighten you forget to blink. The blackness seems to swirl around you, cloaking you in a thick, black fog straight through which no light can penetrate. Suddenly it's there again, only this time the scratching seems closer. And louder. It seems to last a bit longer this time. So you hold your breath, because that darkness doesn't seem to be lifting. You've lost the sense of sight, so by not breathing you hope to hear the sound more clearly, and recognize its location...

The description above relies on the complete absence of the sense of sight. This is where fear comes in and can play a major visible role - in this case blind fear. To compensate for loss of sight the sense of hearing becomes more acute, so the writer can introduce other horror-inducing thoughts and impressions. Where is the sound advent from? How close is it? Will I be able to feel it if it decides to climb on the bed? When will my eyes get used to the darkness? Should I start panicking now? If I get out of bed will it jump on top of me?


This sense conjures up description of things most us will probably try to never touch, like slime, frogs and warty skin. All these items are exquisite for the horror/scary genre, but writers can also take the more lowly touch phobias and use those items to horrific effect. Some habitancy cannot bear to touch velvet, while others are terrified of touching paper. Still others find their skin crawls when they encounter cotton wool...

Opening the wooden box in the hotel bathroom, she recoiled in horror. Nestling quietly in the bottom of the box, white and shining, was a lump of cotton wall balls. She stepped back, collapsing on the side of the bath. The mere idea of feeling those soft fibres squeaking as the ball pressed against her skin was adequate to induce goosebumps. She wrapped her arms around herself in a subconscious endeavor to protect her body from the fear she'd had her whole life. Just mental about cotton balls made her skin crawl. She moaned quietly, remembering the silent noise they emitted when squeezed; a noise that seemed to pass right straight through her skin. straight through her panic she wondered if she'd remember to pack her facial sponges...

Descriptions of this single sense can been embellished with the use of corporal reactions to feeling inescapable items; goosebumps, stepping away from the source of horror, collapsing with fear, subconscious act of defence (hugging the body) and a noise of fear (moaning). All these reactions add to the reader's imagination, while adding to the picture your words are "painting".


Bad smells in the horror/scary genre usually mean something bad is about to happen or has already happened. The smell of rotting or burning flesh is probably the most coarse description applicable to this genre, and the description of the smell can also be used to indicate how the death occurred. Bad household smells range from two week old pizza languishing in the refrigerator to potatoes burning in a pot on the stove. Adjectives include: smelly, reeking, fetid, malodorous, rank, putrid and noxious.

As she applied the finishing touches to the client's hair, a sharp smell suddenly assaulted her nostrils. It was a smell she hated and dreaded, because it was an odour so terrible the memory remained burned into the subconscious forever. She froze as the acrid stench filled the air, assaulting her nostrils and her throat with its foul flavour. An instant later her salon filled with gasps and shrieks of horror. She turned towards the three ladies seated underneath the dryers. Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Edgar had managed to wriggle out from underneath their dryers, but poor Mrs Smith was unable to move. One of the pins from her rollers had obviously caught in the dryer, and ignited her hair. Smoke was seeping out of the top of the machine, which had started to spark. Placing her hand over her mouth and nose in a endeavor to banish the malodorous scent she started to move towards Mrs Smith, who screamed as flames began flickering out of the dryer..."


Most, if not all of us, have an aversion to a inescapable food. We don't like to eat it and the taste of it makes us feel sick. possibly the mere idea of tasting it is adequate to induce some horrible thoughts and feelings.

The candlelight caught the designs on the wineglass, casting a dark crimson glow on the table. He lifted the glass to his lips, the rich musky flavour of the cabernet sauvignon still drifting over his taste buds. At the first sip of the wine he almost choked. There was obviously something wrong with this new bottle of wine, for the liquid in his mouth had a bitter, sour taste. Although the consistency was the same as the previous glass, there was an acidic flavour he could not identify... Although it seemed vaguely familiar. He swirled the liquid around in his mouth before swallowing it. It seemed to sting his tongue and burn the roof of his mouth, and when he swallowed the acrid liquid his throat tingled. Suppressing the urge to cough he reached for the glass of water next to his plate and took a sip. As the cool water cleansed the tart taste from his palate his hostess lifted the bottle he'd used to fill his wineglass... And poured balsamic vinegar over her plate of salad.

Writers have a magnitude of adjectives at their disposal when describing the horror of tasting unappetising food. These include: pungent, sour, acrid, bitter, fetid, stinking, putrid, decaying, rancid, reek, stale and bad.

Real life can be far more moving than fiction, and using our senses in our writing proves this truth. So the next time you sit down in front of your keyboard tap in to those five senses, and see just how they can colour your words!

Using the Five Senses to heighten Your Writing

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amityville horror - Movie & True Story

The Amityville Horror. You've heard of it as a movie or maybe a true story. You might even have heard it mentioned in an Eminem song. Any way you first heard about it, you heard the real truth. Amityville is a real town in New York, Suffolk County to be precise. The town was located back in the 1600's, but it wouldn't be until the 1970's that it'd rise to national prominence due to a tragic real crime committed at the sublime address 112 Ocean Avenue.

On the night in November of 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr killed 6 of his own house members in what would come to be known as the Amityville murders. That's the true Amityville horror, but the story continues after that. George Lutz and his wife (along with their three children) moved into that house on Ocean Ave the following December. Kathy Lutz found the place creepy right away and 28 days later (interesting?) the house moved from that home claiming they'd experienced traumatic paranormal events.

Horo House

Now, enter the author Jay Anson. He wrote not only the book 666, but also the novel titled 'The Amityville Horror' based on the events that the Lutz house went straight through though it is up for debate how close he stuck to the former real story. That book (published in 1977), in turn, became used to base a movie that would bear its same title in 1979. The movie terrified audiences worldwide with James Brolin, Margot Kidder and Rod Steiger all giving creepy performances that only added to the already scary story of the Amityville bad dream house.

Amityville horror - Movie & True Story

Does the Amityville house exist today in real life? It certainly does, though it's been renovated these days and the address has been changed. Many citizen came to see the site of the DeFeo murders and the place where demon possession was supposed to have taken place. Obviously, the home owners needed their privacy so they took steps to get that back.

I hope I've helped clear up any misunderstandings about the awful events surrounding the Amityville house. While the movies are frightful (a new version was made in 2005), the real stories are nothing to smile about.

Copyright 2008 Wolfgang Nibori

Amityville horror - Movie & True Story

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2555 ดวงการงานปี ราศีตุลย์

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Tags: KENG, Libra

MV โสดสนิท (เวอร์ชั่น 18 +)-SPF 55 +

MV โสดสนิท (เวอร์ชั่น 18 +)-SPF 55 + Video Clips. Duration : 4.70 Mins.

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Keywords: MV โสดสนิท (เวอร์ชั่น 18+), SPF 55+

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Video Clips. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Tags: ฮวงจู้ย, ดูดวงหมอหยอง, ฮวงจุ้ย 12 ราศี
Video Clips. Duration : 2.70 Mins.

Tags: ดูดวง, ดูดวงปี 2555, ดูดวงความรัก, ดวงความรัก, ดวงความรัก 12 ราศี
Video Clips. Duration : 6.45 Mins.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

KAKA พยากรณ์ ราศีกันย์ by Kiss Me Five

KAKA พยากรณ์ ราศีกันย์ by Kiss Me Five Video Clips. Duration : 2.60 Mins.

ดวงของชาวราศีกันย์ประจำปี พยากรณ์จะเป็นอย่างไร ความรักจะเลิศ กับ KAKA 2555 การเรียนจะเยี่ยม การเงินจะโดดเด้งขนาดไหน ไปดูกัน! โดย Kiss Me Five

Tags: KAKA, พยากรณ์, ราศีสิงห์, by, Kiss, Me, Five, ดูดวง, ดวง

Monday, February 6, 2012

2555 ดูดวงความรัก ราศีกรกฏ

2555 ดูดวงความรัก ราศีกรกฏ Tube. Duration : 2.20 Mins.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

เทวดาพระศุกร์ หมอลักษณ์

เทวดาพระศุกร์ หมอลักษณ์ Video Clips. Duration : 22.68 Mins.

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